How dumb is Dumb Don? Of NATO members who spend less than 2% of their GDP on defense, Don said, “I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them (Russia) to do whatever the hell they want.” Canada spends only 1.38%. So, Putin is free to invade Canada. Trump will do nothing.
NORAD notwithstanding, The Dumb Dude will happily give Russia full access to the U.S.’ completely undefended 5,525 miles (8,891 km) border with Canada. The U.S.-Canada border is the longest in the world. Most of it is just a line running through fields, forests, rivers, lakes and mountains. We would have to restart the draft—women too this time—just to man its staggeringly complex defenses.
Taking over Canada would let Putin cut off Alaska, which Russia now claims, from the lower 48. No surprise, NORAD recently detected four Russian aircraft in the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ).
The U.S. would be catastrophically weakened. NORAD’s North Warning Line would fall under Russian control. The U.S.’ northern border would implode, making the immigration crisis on the southern border a non-issue. Dumb Don says that this is OK with him.
What is really crazy is that the Trump fortune was built by Don’s grandfather in Bennett, British Columbia and Whitehorse in the Yukon. Yep, in Canada! And Don, in his own words, “poisoned the blood of our country” with his first wife and his three eldest children, all … Canadians!!
All of this is nuts, of course. But, as Publius has shown endlessly over the last eight years, Don is too dumb to think through a word of what he says.
Because Don’s Trumplish is, as Publius demonstrated, a string of words with no syntax, its incoherent gibberish cannot be translated into English. Or any other language. No matter how hard they try, no one can understand what Don means by what he says. And because of Don’s intellectual incontinence, he cannot explain what he means. He is so damaged that he may not even know what he means. We have no way of knowing.
What we have is a blithering idiot running, again, for the presidency of the United States.
For American Putinistas, this makes Dumb Don perfect!