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Why We Miss Obama


To understand just how much America misses Obama, let’s imagine that we are assembling Obama’s presidential library and Dumb Don’s.

Obama could read and write. He could communicate in English. And did. He dug us out of the deepest economic hole we’ve ever known. He cut unemployment and the deficit as a percent of GDP. And gave us universal healthcare so that our labor force could regain global competitiveness.

Obama astonishingly rescued our automotive, insurance and banking industries (in sum, 20% of our economy) all at once, making money for taxpayers into the bargain. Then, he kicked off the long-running Obama Boom in which we still bask. Historians will say that he prevented us from falling into a Japan-style collapse—the Nikkei is only half of its 30-year-ago peak—that will take another half a century to resolve itself, if ever. Mind blowing.

For Obama librarians, the task is pretty straight forward. We collect a lot of extremely impressive material, catalog it, highlight the main features and display them. It will be quite the library.

For the Dumb Dude, by contrast, our job will be difficult beyond measure, literally. Our number one challenge will be translating his copious blather into English before we can catalog it and identify its main features. As Publius has demonstrated time and again, the many potential Trumplish-to-English translations of each of Don’s syntax-free sentences contradict each other or are unrelated. Sorting out Don’s serial incoherence will be impossible.

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A spectacular example is Don’s twelve mistake sentence on August 15, 2016. Out of this one sentence flows dozens of translations into English, all of which contradict one another or are unrelated. How do we know which translation is right?

Most English translations of single Trumplish sentences have nothing to do with each another and must anchor separate paragraphs or even go into new documents that Don never created. A perfect example is the sentence Don used to fire James Comey: in correct English it requires two documents on different subjects. Better still, several English translations of this sentence come out as Don’s admission of complicity in Kremlingate. Just what we want to put into the Trump Library!!

In the end, it will be impossible for any librarian, no matter how good, to know which of the dozens of possible Trumplish-to-English translations is the right one. Unless this is done, however, no one will understand anything in Don’s Library, ever. But, if it is done, it will expose just how dumb the Dumb Dude is. A big, beautiful legacy for America!!

We know from Don’s intellectual insufficiencies that he cannot help us by sorting this out himself. Indeed, after the Comey fiasco he demanded that future press briefings be in his syntax-free Trumplish “for the sake of accuracy.” A beautiful gift to his librarians.

These librarians will find, as Publius did, that Don may mean one possible Trumplish-English translation, two of them or all of the dozens of variants at once, regardless of how incoherent this makes him. His limitations mean that he has no way of telling us what he means to say. His librarians will be caught in a grammar nightmare. Forever.

North Korea, which cannot translate syntax-free Trumplish directly into preposition-driven Korean, must live by Trumplish-English translations that no one can do. North Korea has complained of problems trying to understand Don. Historians may regard failed Trumplish-English-Korean translations as the proximate cause of the war that could soon break out between our two countries. Another big, beautiful legacy.

Obama’s English, on the other hand, is crystal clear. No translation problems for us. Obama’s only problem was that he didn’t speak loudly enough, like to Putin and Xi.

There is also the problem of Don’s arithmetic. His bizarre deportation policy with its staggering cost—tripling the Federal budget for the next three quarters of a century—show an inability to run simple numbers. How will we explain this in his presidential library?

The Wall Street Journal ran a great article on December 15th by Douglas Irwin, an economics prof at Dartmouth. Irwin showed in detail what Publius has demonstrated for the last two years, that Dumb Don did not crack a book or sit for an exam in his Econ 100 course at Penn. He is an economic illiterate.

Irwin shows that the Dumb Guy uses assumptions about trade policy that Adam Smith tossed out 241 years ago in his Wealth of Nations. And that were trashed even more convincingly by David Ricardo 200 years ago this year in his Principles of Political Economy and Taxation.

Kind of like denying Copernicus and then trying to explain planetary orbits. How do we glorify Don’s economic gibberish in his presidential library? And show it to students?

Then there is Dumb Don’s borrow-and-spend tax policy. He will add $1.5 trillion to our budget deficit when he should be using the Obama Boom to cement his legacy by slashing this deficit to the bone. Another brilliant addition to Dumb Don’s library.

Contrast this with our library work showing all the glories of Obama keeping us out of the greatest and deepest economic depression that we will, thankfully, never know.

Here’s another great one for Don’s library. The Dumb Dude recently declared Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that declaring part of Palestine to be part of Israel makes the Palestinians who live there Israeli citizens. Who can’t vote. And who, soon enough, will demand the right to do so.

Which opens the doors to the rest of Palestine to demand the same rights.

In a master stroke of mental acuity, Don has shifted the debate about Palestinian independence from Israel to a timeline for Palestinian integration with Israel.

Don has, in effect, declared that the issue now is who gets to vote for the Knesset and who does not. Since there will be 8.2 million Arabs and 6.4 million Jews in this state, this will have everyone rereading Arthur Balfour’s century-old Declaration for an entirely new meaning.

And Don says he is a friend of Israel?

Here’s the thing: Dumb Don knows none of this. He was unable to learn in school and has never heard of Arthur Balfour. His mashed up mental state means that he cannot reason through even those things that are close to home like his staff. He certainly cannot reason through any of the foreign policy issues that Publius has laid out for him over the last two years:

So, of course, he doesn’t.

Obama, on the other hand, can reason through all these matters simultaneously and is fooled by no one. He understood what self-sufficiency in hydrocarbons means for U.S. foreign policy. He played Putin like a Strad. He started the push to get the Euros to take control of the Middle East in their own back yard. Easy for his librarians.

There is an amusing side to this. Publius has been ripping Dumb Don new fecal orifices with absolute impunity for two years already. Try that with Obama for just one hour!!

How does Publius get away with mercilessly slicing and dicing Dumb Don when Don slashes back at everyone else in his syntax-free Tweets?

Because Dumb Don cannot read a thing Publius writes here. It is far, far beyond his ability. His staff would never try to explain Publius to him because they know he wouldn’t understand a word they said. Better to let Publius show Don’s fecal material pouring endlessly over everything. After a lifetime of this, Don’s olfactory glands are impervious.

Missing Obama yet?

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