Cash-and-Carry College
It is a long-established and well-received tradition in the U.S. that those with means can buy their kids’ way into university: ...
It is a long-established and well-received tradition in the U.S. that those with means can buy their kids’ way into university: ...
Nancy Pelosi mastered TruMP. When Dumb Don paraphrased Winston Churchill’s immortal words, assuring us that for a down payment of $5.7B,...
And why it cannot do it. You would imagine that getting its clock cleaned in the mid-term Congressional elections would have the GOP...
What went wrong at Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation hearings? Simple. No men showed up. Every man knows that when accused...
To preserve shareholder value, every CEO in the world must study Publius’ Trump Management Protocol—TruMP—and pass the TruMP exam. The...
With the exit of Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House, the GOP is leaving the stage after more than a century and a half. As Publius showed...
Trumplish is a syntax-free language. It uses English words but it follows none of our rules of grammar, has none of its own, and so...
With Publius it’s always about the numbers and the numbers say that Barack Obama was the greatest President since FDR. Trump will have...
Publius has shown that Don Trump’s English is so poor that Don can’t sustain coherent thoughts.  Don’s inability to use our language is lik
Publius is blown away by how hard Don Trump has worked to lose the 2016 Presidential Election. Don has labored assiduously around the...
Funny thing. Don Trump doesn’t smoke or drink alcohol, coffee or tea. But he seems determined to put ever more of our cash into the...